We at ERC offer a wide variety of services to mare owners. For those owners that have a mare getting pregnant but then losing it sometime thereafter, transferring an embryo into the uterus of a younger recipient mare may be the answer. Embryo transfer services also can be beneficial if you want to get multiple pregnancies from a single mare in a given year. Or, maybe you have a competition mare you don’t want to take out of performance but find the need to get offspring out of her. Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) is another service for competition mares or those that no longer have a healthy uterine environment for embryos. This technique of aspirating oocytes directly from the follicle and injecting them with a single sperm has become increasingly popular in the industry today. Of course, for those mare owners just starting a breeding program, they may find it most appropriate to do a little simpler method of advanced technique such as artificial insemination. This can be done with fresh, cooled or frozen semen thus allowing a mare owner to get accomplished bloodlines from anywhere in the world.
A full reproductive evaluation may be warranted as a prepurchase assessment of competency or in those cases where an owner has a mare that is having difficulties getting pregnant. If this assessment determines that the mare is going to be reproductively challenging then subfertility management at ERC may be the best option to optimizing chances of getting a foal on the ground. Once the mare is pregnant, ERC does offer foaling services to those owners not comfortable with foaling the mares at home. And for those owners trying to import mares (>2 years-of-age) into the U.S., ERC is approved to quarantine and test imported horses for such diseases as Contagious Equine Metritis (CEM). Please contact ERC if any of our mare services may be of help to you.

All Veterinary Services are Performed by a Licensed Veterinarian